Monday, July 4, 2011

5 days til my new life begins!

So, I decided to start a blog so that I could share my experiences of this journey with others. I have never blogged before so, if I'm all over the place please forgive me. Yesterday I began my liquid diet.   Friday July 8th I will begin my "new life".  This has stirred alot of emotions both good and bad.  This has caused me to remember times in my life that I would rather forget.  Yesterday was extremely hard.  By 9 pm I was so hungry I thought I would chew my arm off.  But, I didn't.  I drank lots of water and made it through.  Today has started much better.  Because today is July 4th I have tried to mentally prepare myself for how hard it will be to go to a cookout where I know I can't eat anything.  I have tried to also mentally prepare myself for all the questions I will be asked.  I have tried to get myself ready for that person who will undoubtedly tell me "I had a friend who had the surgery and she almost didn't make it" or, "don't you think that surgery's an easy way out??"  Believe you me, this is in no way an "easy way out".  This is by far one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.  However, no matter how hard, I just have to keep telling myself, it will all be worth it in the end!